Commenting before I finish because I absolutely adored that intro. Getting straight to the point, no bullshit. "IT IS THE SAME THING!"

I often find myself in a similar situation where I tell truths in angry tone. Because I am angry. MORE PEOPLE SHOULD BE ANGRY. But they have been brainwashed with their mindfulness bullshit that "anger is a bad emotion".

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Angry or "MAD" is code for lucidity astute and spatially aware of your environment.

Polite civility or equanimity is ZOMBIE augmented and fully Pacified by a Greater Authority

If you think "equanimity" looks like it has something to do with "equal," you've guessed correctly. Both "equanimity" and "equal" are derived from "aequus," a Latin adjective meaning "level" or "equal." "Equanimity" comes from the combination of "aequus" and "animus" ("soul" or "mind") in the Latin phrase aequo animo, which means "with even mind." English speakers began using "equanimity" early in the 17th century with the now obsolete sense "fairness or justness of judgment," which was in keeping with the meaning of the Latin phrase. Equanimity quickly came to suggest keeping a cool head under any sort of pressure, not merely when presented with a problem, and eventually, it developed an extended sense for general balance and harmony.

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Thanks. I have a knack for etymology but this tidbit I did not know! Equanimity would be fitting during a concert of some kind but in this situation we find ourselves in, it is just disgusting to see.

People do not understand that noone is coming to save them. Infantile adults will soon have their moment of reckoning.

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Finland was the first country to receive the turd flu vaccine in July. Noone had it but people who were working with birds were urged to get it so some did. In September there were a few cases.

Working as intended.

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No Juxt, I'm not enjoying it. Thankfully I just have ringing in the ears and the spraying is not as bad as where you are (I still take pics of chem trails though). Sorry to hear about your headaches; you've mentioned them before. I rarely get them and it's just an awful thing. I'll come back to the other parts tomorrow. Might need some boring audiobook to get to sleep. I was trying the Iliad as recommended by Elon 2.0 or whoever he is. Those gods got up to some nonsense didn't they, it's like a melodrama. It does startle me when you yell, but the repetition is helpful. I have such a short attention span I have to keep going back and back to make sure I heard everything. Getting there. Thanks for your work.

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Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, author of Disputations against Divinatory Astrology (Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem), opposed the trillion dollar industry of kabbalah.


Pico allied himself against the bankers with Girolamo Savanarola


who was responsible for


which led to




Yes, they seem to win more times than they lose.

By the way, modern science = kabbalah.

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Very interested to hear more specifics on how they pulled off direct radiation poisoning within a household on specific individuals during the C. How did they do it Jux?! Was it through each individuals phone?

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6G Terahertz millimeter PAVE PAWS was deployed long BEFORE COVID Hoax.

WHO-CDC-NIH COVID-19 was used as to justify graphene injections of the profane clueless slaves.

7G SMART DUST followed the COVID hoax.

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Energy harvesting (EH) – also known as power harvesting, energy scavenging, or ambient power – is the process by which energy is derived from external sources (e.g., solar power, thermal energy, wind energy, salinity gradients, and kinetic energy, also known as ambient energy), then stored for use by small, wireless autonomous devices, like those used in wearable electronics, condition monitoring, and wireless sensor networks.

Energy harvesters usually provide a very small amount of power for low-energy electronics. While the input fuel to some large-scale energy generation costs resources (oil, coal, etc.), the energy source for energy harvesters is present as ambient background. For example, temperature gradients exist from the operation of a combustion engine and in urban areas, there is a large amount of electromagnetic energy in the environment due to radio and television broadcasting.

One of the first examples of ambient energy being used to produce electricity was the successful use of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) to generate the crystal radio.

The principles of energy harvesting from ambient EMR can be demonstrated with basic components.

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LOL!!! Wake up little Suzie.

Nope. Through you personally. Your WBAN. Wireless Body Area Network. That be you.

Elaine, really. You must watch my many videos-working with Sabrina Wallace-Psinergy.

A body area network (BAN), also referred to as a wireless body area network (WBAN), a body sensor network (BSN) or a medical body area network (MBAN), is a wireless network of wearable computing devices. BAN devices may be embedded inside the body as implants or pills, may be surface mounted on the body in a fixed position or may be accompanied devices which humans can carry in different positions, such as in clothes pockets, by hand, or in various bags. Devices are becoming smaller, especially in body area networks. These networks include multiple small body sensor units (BSUs) and a single central unit (BCU).[8] Despite this trend, decimeter (tab and pad) sized smart devices still play an important role. They act as data hubs or gateways and provide a user interface for viewing and managing BAN applications on the spot. The development of WBAN technology started around 1995 around the idea of using wireless personal area network (WPAN) technologies to implement communications on, near, and around the human body. About six years later, the term "BAN" came to refer to systems where communication is entirely within, on, and in the immediate proximity of a human body. A WBAN system can use WPAN wireless technologies as gateways to reach longer ranges. Through gateway devices, it is possible to connect the wearable devices on the human body to the internet. This way, medical professionals can access patient data online using the internet independent of the patient location.


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Talking about mother ships - The same year the CIA was founded and pretty much on the 33rd parallel (Roswell in on the 33rd parallel)

"Corona is the closest populated community to a purported UFO crash in 1947, approximately 30 miles (48 km) to the southeast. The rancher who found the crash first came to Corona to report it to a few residents, before going to Roswell to tell officials there."

c = 3

o = 15

r = 18

o = 15

n = 14

a = 1

total = 66

plus corona has 6 letters


source - wikipedia, so it must be true.

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Yup love it … you dont take no shit.

I must have walked by the unesco building in Montreal 100 times, never seen anyone walk in or out… always thought it was a front

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Basically they are deploying the TCP/IP stack and using you as a node in the network. That's it.

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Talking about mother ships - The same year the CIA was founded and pretty much on the 33rd parallel (Roswell in on the 33rd parallel)

"Corona is the closest populated community to a purported UFO crash in 1947, approximately 30 miles (48 km) to the southeast. The rancher who found the crash first came to Corona to report it to a few residents, before going to Roswell to tell officials there."

c = 3

o = 15

r = 18

o = 15

n = 14

a = 1

total = 66

plus corona has 6 letters


source - wikipedia, so it must be true.

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Bird Flu conference has similar timing to Event 201 in 2019.

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