Great summary thanks. I am trying to get my stupid mindless idiot friends to listen to just one on your reports… just to listen…our handlers have done an amazing job at removing critical thinking from sheeple, cementing groupe think and fear of being judged.

Keep up your amazing work. Education is the art of repeating.

I will never give up

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Sadly we all have idiot friends who think they are awake because they avoided the jabs... yet live their lives like mindless zombies. They are unable to comprehend even the slightest tidbits of what's going on. They would say that they can't do anything about the chemtrails or politics therefore they do not need to know... they are unknowingly turning themselves into the clown nation living just for some fun times...

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Those of us who have the ability to see who appear to want to live a life of truth, genuine truth with substance and meaning without the one size fits all mentality hive borg collective of retardation and diminished responsibility seemingly are few in number and are not part of the clown world ship of fools. Therefore we have to come together turn away from such idiocy and start afresh. This bears the question, how are we going to achieve this. Financing this you may ask in such a monopolized banking industry seemingly an impossible task would be a fair question. The monetary system is wholly based on the energy of 'The Human Being' the mechanism deployed to extract, apologies 'exploit' that very source. So that Energy is personal it's not anyone's it's yours and how you use it is solely down to you. That in hand there was something called 'The Bradbury Pound' issued in England during the First World War. Now if we could do the same again basing our energies on a 'note of value' serialised to each individuals account so you know where it has come from, that would give people freedom of will to energise any activity they so wish and sustainable accountability for ones actions. No debt based system at all.

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Hi commander,

Your shows seem to be disappearing here and there … and I dislike all platforms… is it possible to purchase all your shows from day one when you started ? (Including the Rumble, Bitchute, Odyssey) And keep purchasing the updates ? Preferably on a hard medium (dvd) or easy downloads.

Any plans down the road for a website? I would love to see a map of all the California murder sites (control murders), the addresses, the proximities, the names of the shell companies real owners of the properties, the back stories…

* For upgraded elite paying member :-))) *

These murders are really important glimpses thru the vail… way too many coincidences, patterns, hard links…

This is a very rare amazing discovery / observations you have compiled. Really needs to be mapped out, documented and put out there.

Perhaps a crowd funding among your members to pay for a graphiste… or better an interactive map you could update as you go on…. Sell prints …

Tks mate

John 24


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