Scary stuff indeed

This 7 g WSN reminds me of the apple tv series called Severance w Adam Scott. Are you familiar w the premise? I had binge watched it a couple yrs back. In the show

individuals undergo a “severance” procedure to separate their consciousness between their work lives and home lives. While initially pitched as an act of compartmentalizing self care from Lumon Industries, the creation of distinct “Innie” and “Outtie” egos within one body is anything but therapeutic!!! That literally interpersonal dynamic along with the mysterious nature of what the Innies are even “working” on effortlessly carried the first nine episodes of storytelling. By the time the season 1 finale concludes, the Innies in the “Macrodata Refinement” department have successfully contacted the outside world while learning some uncomfortable truths about their Outties and the other secrets that Lumon keeps from them.

Seriously the dystopian writers tell humanity what theyre doing through the teLIEvision if that makes any sense.

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This is a great video to show a sleeping friend or family member to wake them up. If it doesn't work. They can't handle the truth.

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Thank you. However, I don't believe my videos can wake anyone up.

After the COVID Hoax, mandates, CULT RITUAL face diapers, idiot fake presidents of WARP SPEED TRUMP and senility Joe Biden and 75,000 relentless SMART DUST Aerial attacks nobody is asleep.

Only the Zombies remain.

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Today the Little Weimar Republic is under fire, strangely there is no Chem trails today in LA.

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When did you wake up to discover that you were in the matrix? I think I only woke up because of the suffering, caused from the continuous gangstalking. I researched the internet to find out if there were others….and boy oh boy, I found lots of them.

Ramola D was someone I followed for a long time and she’s now on Substack. Online she’s found at Everydayconcerned.net.

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1981 in Beverly Hills, Century City, North Hollywood and San Fernando Valley business trips. Meeting Ronald Reagan, Fess Parker, Milton Berle, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Doc Severinson, Johnny Carson, Sam Kinison, Andrew Dice Clay, Henry Silva, Kenny Rogers, Carrie Fisher and many more celebrities.

Later meeting Secretary of State George Schultz, Casper Weinberger, Phil Harris, World Bank President Tom Clausen, San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos, supervisor Quentin Kopp, and Naval Intelligence officers. And Bank CEOs and EVPs.

It's all an act.

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Good night Mr Juxta🙏🏼🥱

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Sweet dreams Maria

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So many wacked along the way, pure evil (devil) has been unleashed from the beginning of time. Many men and women participated along the way to bring us to this day. It’s so insane that so many people still believe in our government, what a big joke. We are complacent, think someone is coming to save us, ha ha

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You seem to be extremely sharp with a good sense of humor. Looks like you’ve seen and done a heck of a lot more than most. You know, I can’t get over the Erin Valenti sp. story. Such a horrible way to die and you’re correct she was probably drugged. So sad, and she was also married to a Weinstein.

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I quickly learned that the people in authority never appear in media.

The people presented as leaders are very far down the trough.

TRUMP, Biden, DeSantis, Newsom, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura, Bob Woodward, Noam Chomsky, Alan Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell are all clowns.

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Erin was in the middle of the META CTRL.labs Facebook merger with Thomas Reardon and all the Sand Hill Road private bankers which included her ex bosses Dean Jacobson and JJ Kardwell.

She must have been upset with the Artificial Intelligence Agenda or her compensation in that deal.

They wacked her.

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Thanks Juxt. Look forward to you speaking with Sabrina again.

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Hi Jux. Thank you for all you do. Your videos and commentary are worth every penny.

I tend to look for the deeper meanings in all the movies and songs now that I am fully awake and cognizant.

In the song "Welcome to the Jungle", I never understood the line "...if you got the money honey, we got your disease, down in the jungle..."

Now, I understand that lyric, and, the tongue-in-cheek way these technofuks must just laugh at us all day every day.

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