This is what pisses me off with all these idiots saying how great crypto is and yet it states clearly in the disclaimer how volatile the market is and the losses are heavy to the point 80% plus of retail accounts lose money. It is an asset stripping mechanism and your stupid dumbshit carcass is gonna be euthanized, population culling, transfer all your stuff into the blockchain ledger rig the markets fleece your account and out the door you go into the bin until the half a billion or so are left owning all your stuff actually probably not they'll be the cyborg robots tending the fields doing all the work and attending the needs for the self chosen ones who will live in their version of their garden of Eden probably forever. Their psychopaths and couldn't give a rats ass about you or I they have a proven track record and they do not give a flying fuck. When will these stupid fucks wake up to what is happening, your digging your own graves and they are laughing their ass off watching you do it !! That is why I am a recluse, fools to the left of me jokers to the right !!

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SHITSTACK won't let me recommend you on my SHITSTACK page !!

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You can go around that feature in other ways.

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Jan 22Edited

Marvellous Master Mavin of Mendacity strikes back !! Point me to the way Jux...Say Hi to the Lord God King Master Of The Most High Professori Engelstein and relay to him his hair is looking super healthy and not a follicle out of place also could he tell me his secret as a baboon's bald arse has more hair on it than my melon !!🤣😂😁👍

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Does smart dust and does nano technology have anything to do with each other?

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Absolutely it does. They are inextricably linked.

There can be NO NANOTECHNOLOGY without the wireless MESH NETWORK.

The biological Graphene JAB is functional as a receiver/transponder only because of 1) human BODY AREA NETWORK ENERGY and 2) the SMART DUST wireless sensor network breathable airspace.

Weather warfare works on the Satanic System too along with SMART METERS, LED streetlights, Apple Sidewalk, Amazon Ringcamera, Google Voice activation and drones overhead.

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Thanks Juxt. It helps me understand hearing you talk to Sabrina. I get a little bit more each time.

For those looking for solutions, I say that this is life and death, of the human race. There is nothing more important to learn. I know it's confronting, but the only solution I know of is to educate myself and learn to feel my own biofield. I try to enjoy my life and not give in to fear. Not doing so great at that, but if you keep going with anything you make progress.

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I see the doom and gloom but never ANY SOLUTIONS…. Have any????

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Where are your solutions?

Did you want us to do your housekeeping?

Mow your lawn?

Change your oil?

You can continue to live in denial. Or VOTE for a new fake leader.

That would be very American and profane.

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I appreciate that response

Soon as i mention the smart dust people call me tinfoil hat

Have a good day

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I share your content to spread the word out

Best i can do

Was wondering if you both had a solution besides telling us everything is bad

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You must be very naive.

I do not appreciate you inviting me to have my valuable channel, they took me three years and a lifetime of experience to create, be suspended and deleted by the Enemy.

YOU GET BUSY NOW! Do your own work.

Stop acting like a Military BOT Operative.

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