D Booma San Channel:


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A few years back when campaigning for re-election Rand Paul was asked if his office would take up the issue of “chemtrails”. His response was that he didn’t know anything about them, then on to the next question. The local sky had been heavy with them.

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Ron Paul and Rand Paul are criminals.

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That’s because RP is clueless and profane😁

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This was a blasty blast! Thanks, Juxta! More to come. 😎

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Another winner! Sounds like someone has hopium! You need a memory of the past to realize this agenda is moving forward! Looking forward to more of these shows! It would be wonderful to have Sabrina on with you two at the same time! Fingers crossed!!

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Great stuff again! Thanks, Juxta! I will check out D Booma San's channel!!

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