More you think about it more you realize that people have been pacified and their brains altered to the point of no return. There aren't many of us who still use our brains without influence of the garbage TV and other media. I keep thinking how this nasty game will end...
It’s true we are all under surveillance, some more than others. So Juxta since I’ve been following you I’ve now had literally hundreds of people following me from every which way. And I took my little dog to the veterinary clinic today and as I arrived at the clinic an army helicopter came right over my car. I don’t care anymore, so on purpose I slow my driving way down, which annoys them. The satellites are now in my back yard (2) of them. And guess what? I’m not afraid, and I don’t care what happens because I’m right with my lord Jesus Christ. I’m tired of being alone and living next to zombies. So the world will continue on…..we the people have been sleep walking through life believing in a government that never existed. I really don’t know how you can carry on with all that you know. Switzerland, Jews….who knew?
More you think about it more you realize that people have been pacified and their brains altered to the point of no return. There aren't many of us who still use our brains without influence of the garbage TV and other media. I keep thinking how this nasty game will end...
It’s true we are all under surveillance, some more than others. So Juxta since I’ve been following you I’ve now had literally hundreds of people following me from every which way. And I took my little dog to the veterinary clinic today and as I arrived at the clinic an army helicopter came right over my car. I don’t care anymore, so on purpose I slow my driving way down, which annoys them. The satellites are now in my back yard (2) of them. And guess what? I’m not afraid, and I don’t care what happens because I’m right with my lord Jesus Christ. I’m tired of being alone and living next to zombies. So the world will continue on…..we the people have been sleep walking through life believing in a government that never existed. I really don’t know how you can carry on with all that you know. Switzerland, Jews….who knew?
Jux do you think people realize the “pandemic” was a military operation and not a naturally occurring?
TRUMP, Biden, Harris, RFKJ all obeyed the CULT ritual and advocated:
1) Face Diapers
2) PCR DNA collection as a fake test
3) The JAB
4) the wholesale destruction of family-owned businesses
5) destruction of all urban centers
The election Ritual was not cancelled.
Swiss Bank sponsored NATO Military is is full command of the profane sheeple.