Thank you for helping us all, help ourselves, and hopefully our families.

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Thanks Juxt. G'day Colin.

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Thanks for this video, but I am going to have to listen to it again as its so information-dense.

Have you or Sabrina Wallace given a lot of analysis to the claims (by Transhumanists) that one day there will be a sentient computer (a HAL that can think autonomously and creatively like a human does)?

I am positive that some of the claims made by the well-known advocates of the Transhumanist movement are false, without hardcore scientific backing and some of their talk of augemented humans being some kind of "next stage of evolution" is pure delusional thinking.

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All MILITARY WEAPONS SYSTEMS have cover stories, concealment and COINTELPRO agents spinning balderdash.

DEWs are called E-Medicine

Weather Warfare is C-40 climate

Suicide is Gladio Murder

FEMA CAMPS are Freedom Cities

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Have you followed any of he people on Substack who have slides of their blood? Lots of nanobots……

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NO. I have no time for that.

Every channel platform is overwhelmed with the ENEMY. Bill Maher is joining SubStack with his large CIA BOT audience. It will only get worse.

FAKES have always been the policy everywhere all the time. Media is NATO.

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😲 OMG, THIS IS INSANE, So has Catherine A Fitts. (Joined)

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"All right, so this is edge computing, where they can monitor your activities of daily living through your digital twin in a local zip code."

What do you make of this?: I have a "Discover" credit card. At the gas station the computer asks for your Zip Code. Using the card at other stores it is not doing this.

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They want to know how much gas you’re using, 🤔

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