
Nodes on the Network (Everyone has become a Targeted Individual) with Sabrina Wallace

NATO Gladio murder methods and examples

6G Terahertz Bullets may become the new 7G MESH Gladio Murder Program method.

Older methods of NATO Gladio Murder were: Garrote, tossed out of windows, cyanide poison, acute barbiturate poisoning, bayonet or stiletto dagger.

James Forestall, 57, tossed off the 17th floor of Naval Hospital to 4rh floor Bethesda

Frank Olson, 43, tossed off the 13th floor of the Statler Hotel Manhattan

Diane Linkletter, 20, tossed off her 7th floor apartment West Hollywood

Pope John Paul I, cyanide laced cup of tea inside the Holy City

Roberto Clavi, 62, garroted then hung under the Blackfriars Bridge London

Teresa Corrocher, 55, tossed on her 6th floor Banco Ambrosiano Milan office

Guiseppi Della Cha, 54,, tossed off the 7th floor Banco Ambrosiano Milan Office

Michael Blosil, 18, tossed off his 8th floor apartment downtown Los Angeles

Tony Scott, 52, tossed off the Vincent Thomas Bridge Port of Los Angeles

Erin Valenti, 33, Manic Episode 2500 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA.

Isabella Knight Thomas, 39, mother of twin daughters, Brentwood Los Angeles

Jeffrey Thomas, 35, Palantir Technolgies Peter Thiel's GAY Lover, Miami

Bank of Vatican (IOR) murders:



Emanuela Orlandi, 15, kidnapping & disappearance in Rome





