Thank you juxtaposition1.

In motocross does size matter?

Maybe Dr. Drew could answer? or You.


All I know from way back then is that the YZ465 was a beast (Cycle World)

A high school friend of mine rode Suzuki RM's.

That crazy guy loved catching air, he had a grass airfield in his backyard and would fly over our house in his gyro or plane to impress my sister.


There was a small private airport with a concrete runway 1/2 mile from us that he was unable to get permission to use it because a prominent Gainesville, FL veterinarian was drug smuggling (Gainesville Green) through that airport. I saw 20 police cars out there a couple of times.

LOL a classmate's father.

Family tradition it appears.

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Size doesn't matter except for the start.

Corner speed and momentum win races.

125cc class had quickest lap times on most tracks.

250cc next fastest.

Open class was slowest.

I won on 390cc Husqvarna. 480cc Hondas. 490cc Maico.

It matters not.

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I bet those two "are not going back" , not to men, anyways 😂

A Western local focus template is needed.....

The "resistance" has become a side show. The B side.

Parablic metaphors with slang, should be used in communications.

Even the meme machine is fraught with globalist hidden psychology nowadays.....

God speed!



P.S. you can't beat a quick bike, for focus......... ><

I'm not even allowed an engine nowadays....🤣.

Mad Max on a bus....

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Loving the race day stories.

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Great memories from my earlier life.

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Doobie Brothers...."oh, rockin' down the highway"...


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so… what time today??

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