
SWISS Bank NATO military’s heat weapon is real and painful. Here’s what it does.

Plus, what to know about a sonic tool that’s referred to as “the voice of God.” https://www.popsci.com/story/technology/heat-weapon-active-denial-system-ads-lrad-explained/

The weapon, the Active Denial System (ADS), is a real thing, as is the sound system, which is called a Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD).

In documents published by NPR, a member of the National Guard recounted the email thread in which the question was asked and stated: “I responded that the DC National Guard was not in possession of either an LRAD or an ADS.”

The fact that a controversial weapon was floated as a possible means of dealing with what the Washington Post described as “peaceful protesters” has sparked outrage, with the ACLU writing on Twitter: “REMINDER: Our government shouldn’t be conspiring to use heat rays against us for exercising our constitutional rights.”

Dr. Robert Duncan Interview - Voice of God Weapons used on American Civilians - Targeted Individuals: https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=Dr%20robert%20duncan%20Voice%20of%20God%20video&mid=D70EEAEAAB6AF9DDC05DD70EEAEAAB6AF9DDC05D&ajaxhist=0

Robert Duncan - Mind Hacking Voice of God Technology Harvard: https://archive.org/details/robert-duncan-mind-hacking-voice-of-god-technology-dr.-robert-duncan-harvard

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