
Hypothecation & Re-hypothecation (Credit Creation)

Banking is a criminal enterprise of deception, fraud, deceit and theft.

What Is Hypothecation? Hypothecation occurs when an asset is pledged as collateral to secure a loan. The asset owner does not give up title, possession, or ownership rights, such as income generated by the asset. However, the lender can seize the asset if the terms of the agreement are not met.

What Is Rehypothecation? Rehypothecation is a practice whereby banks and brokers use, for their own purposes, assets that have been posted as collateral by their clients. Clients who permit rehypothecation of their collateral may be compensated either through a lower cost of borrowing or a rebate on fees.

Juxtaposition calls rehypothecation: felony theft, fraud and selling out of trust.