
The Most Dangerous Game (Seven Video Series)

We are engaged in SWISS Bank Sponsored Strategic Hamlet Program Gladio Warfare.

Who can you trust? Yourself, and no one else.

1) Cloistered Orders (Monastic Life Oaths of Obedience, Chastity. Poverty & World Mission)

2) Law & Order disabled

3) Paul Revere’s Ride(The British are Coming)

4) The Storming of the Bastille Saint-Antoine

5a) The Tet Offensive (January 31 to March 2, 1968):

5b) The Tet Offensive (January 31 to March 2, 1968):

6) Token Social CREDIT Money Systems, CBDC obedience tracking control

7) Johnny Cool film 1963 (Henry Silva as Johnny Roselli):

Johnny Cool and the Tet Offensive are terrific examples of effective mitigation.